David Katz
Founder & CEO

Child Labour Policy

Plastic Bank abides by strict standards around child labour.

  1. We will never employ children that fall into the definition of child labour as stipulated by the ILO Convention, notwithstanding any national law or local regulation;
  2. We will always be against all forms of exploitation of children. We do not provide employment to children before they have reached the legal age to have completed their compulsory education, as defined by the relevant authorities;
  3. We will always require business partners and associates to have and uphold the same standards and abide by country-governing laws in countries wherein they operate.

Plastic Bank Documentation and Processes


1. Plastic Bank branch managers verify each person’s age during member registration  

  • Plastic Bank programs only allow for paid recycling transactions by 18+ age verified registered collection members and collection locations in its operations globally. 
  • Those below the national minimum age for employment are automatically disqualified from participating outside of our school and donation bin programs. 
  • This is a zero-tolerance policy. Employment contracts and other records documenting all relevant details of employees, including age, are maintained.

2. Accreditation Process in place for Branch Owners and Processor Partners

  • Required signing and compliance of Plastic Bank’s Code of Conduct (COC) and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (Independent Service Agreement)
  • Plastic Bank Code of Conduct on Forbidding Child Labour. 

“Processor represents and warrants that it will not employ children, prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or use corporal punishment or other forms of mental and physical coercion as a form of discipline. In the absence of any national or local law, an individual of less than 18 years of age is considered as a child. If in local laws the minimum age below is 18 years of age, but is in accordance with exceptions under International Labor Organization Convention 138, the lower age will apply. Plastic Bank and any third party designated by Plastic Bank is entitled to conduct unannounced inspections and appropriate audits of books and records of all of Processor’s premises and any other premises employed in connection with Processor’s performance under this Agreement to verify Processor’s compliance with this paragraph.”

  • Processing Partners must strictly follow the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Guide. Processors commit to following the stricter law if more than one laws apply (e.g. state and federal, local and international) in their countries of operation. They also require their own suppliers, partners and vendors to follow the stricter applicable laws and recognize children’s rights.

3. Annual Awareness Campaign

  • Plastic Bank’s Global Academy Standard Modules (training) includes COC/MOA  
  • Brochure/Flyers/Posters and Handbook
  • Yearly Refresher Workshop for COC/MOA Compliance


  • Random and Recurrent Site Visits
  • Internal/ 3rd Party Audits
  • COC compliance must be agreed upon and maintained with signed agreements in Alchemy for all active locations
  • Corrective action reports are internally maintained by Plastic Bank
  • PB Hotline/ Contact Details/ Communications Platform (Online and Offline)

Corrective Action: 

  1. If child labour is found in any place of production within the value chain, Plastic Bank will require the supplier to implement a corrective action plan. If corrective action is not implemented within the agreed time-frame, or if repeated violations occur, Plastic Bank will terminate all business with the supplier concerned. The corrective action plan shall take the child’s best interests into consideration, such as family and social conditions and the child’s level of education. Care shall be taken not merely to move child labour from one supplier’s workplace to another but to enable more viable and sustainable alternatives for the child’s development.

Get involved with Plastic Bank

a man wearing a hard hat, standing in front of large bales of compressed plastic bottles, likely at a recycling facility. He is examining the bales to compare it to the recycled material.

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Stop plastic pollution and create social impact with plastic offsets, recycled feedstock, and customized toolkits to share your story.

a smiling man contributing to environmental conservation by collecting plastic waste. He holds up a clear plastic bottle to the light, showcasing his find, while holding a mesh bag likely for gathering more litter.


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